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Year 2

Summer 2 Evacuation- Right or Wrong?

This term we will be learning all about WW2 and what it must've been like for a child during this important time in History.

Week commencing 21st June 

This week year 2 were evacuated! 

The children said goodbye to their parents with their bags packed at school.

They went to the train station and were put on a train to a designated destination. Some went to the countryside in England and others went to Australia and South Africa!

Week commencing 14th June 2021

Evacuee's Escape Workshop

Year 2 took part in a workshop all about evacuation. We learnt about: why children wore gas masks; when WW2 began and ended; who went to war and who stayed behind and what happened to children during WW2. We are now going to use this information to help us write a diary entry for next week. 

This week we have been learning about what it was like to be a child during WW2. We tried on gas masks that didn't fit or kept falling off! The siren kept going off so we had to black out our windows and get under tables for safety. Even when we were outside, we needed to find shelter from any falling bombs. 

Summer 1- Equality: Are we there yet?

In this project will be exploring some courageous and influential people such as Martin Luther King Jnr, Malala, Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst and many more individuals who have fought and continue to fight for equal rights. 

This Week's Science! 24th May 2021

For our Science this week we have been looking at ways to keep healthy! 

We made two different smoothies in class and then we tried them. 

We then picked our favourite smoothie and wrote a set of instructions on how to make it! 

We had great fun making and trying the smoothies! 

Week 4-commencing 10th May 

We have been recapping multiplication this week. We have been using the 'x' symbol and familiarising ourselves with the five times tables. We have also been exploring odds and evens this week as well! 


Fun fact we found out: did you know that when you times an odd number by 5, the answer is always odd and when you times an even number by five, the answer is always even!

This week we have learnt about Malala and how she stood up for girls to go to school. We have completed some research on finding places around the world where inequality is still happening. 

Week 2- Commencing 26th April

This week in RE we have been exploring forgiveness and why it is important to always forgive. We also explained ways we can show forgiveness. 

Year 2's Video to a Care Home.

Still image for this video
As it was Mental Health Awareness Week last week the children in Year 2 wanted to record a video to make others happy.
We are going to send the video to a local care home to cheer up the residents and we wanted to share it with all of you too!
We hope you enjoy our singing and dancing 😊

Our Autumn 2 Project is...

We are Engineers!


Thursday 10th November- Year 2 became Engineers! We had the wonderful Peter from Wonderstruck visit us and tell all about how Rockets fly into space. We saw many different experiments including Mrs Baldock getting a sledgehammer and hitting Peter whilst he lay on a bed of nails with piles of concrete on top of him!! We learnt about combustion and the Science of burning. We then made out rockets in pairs and watched them fly 50metres into the sky. Charlie and Teddie in 2.1 were the winners with their rocket flying the furthest. 

Friday 4th December-Year 2 have started their sketches for Surreal Art and they have also started their times tables learning this week!

Friday 27th November 2020


We have been having an exciting couple of weeks, with lots of making and instruction writing. In preparation for Christmas, we acted out the Christmas Nativity and in Science we also learnt about Charles Macintosh and John Dunlop then created posters about these famous inventors! 

Tuesday 10th November

This week, year 2 have been learning how to write a set of instructions. We made some delicious jam sandwiches and then wrote a step by step guide on how to make a successful jam sandwich.

This is what we are learning in our History and Geography lessons this term.

We are Historians!!! End of project celebration.

Week 3 Home Learning

We started our new book- Can you work it out looking at our clues?

Investigating absorbent materials to help Cinderella find the best material for her mop!

Year 2 home learning 25th September

Our school trip to the Burton Art Gallery!
