Year 3
Year 3 Spring Term Project - Project 4
Week beginning 9th March – Science Week
As part of science week, the children have been working scientifically. We have set up different investigations which we will be observing over the next few weeks. Cress seeds are being given different amounts of water to see how it affects their growth. We are also looking at the effects of sunlight on plant growth by placing sweet peas in different places in the classroom. The children have been thinking about fair testing, accurately measuring and making scientific observations
Thursday 27th February 2020
To find out how Christians show love and kindness in the community
Rev Claire and Lorna visited us from St Mary’s church in Bideford. They told us about their jobs and how they live their lives as Christians. They talked to us about how the church shows love and friendship in the community by visiting people, offering Friday diner to people who are lonely or homeless, offering groups such as music makers or Messy church for young people as well as a variety of Sunday church services.

Year 3 Spring Term Project - Project 3
Monday 24th February 2020 - Dance
In PE, the year 3s have been creating a dance based on a visit to a fun fair. They have been telling the story of arriving at the fun fair and all the excitement it brings, going on a roller coaster, entering a fun house with strange mirrors and going on a spinning wheel. The children have practised lots of skills including, mirroring, interpretation, simultaneous movement and working in cannon. The children have enjoyed this immensely, as you can see from their faces!
Year 3 Spring Term Project - Project 2
Wonderful Wednesday mornings
Wednesday 12th February. Wider curriculum. Forest School and Physical education.
On Wednesday mornings all of Year three enjoy having wider curriculum experiences. In Forest school we learn about our environment and how to take care of it. We learn to identify plants, animals and insects and the cycles of life in our locality. (Sometimes we enjoy a sneaky hot chocolate around the camp fire too!) Today we picked rosemary from the school garden and took some home to cook with.
In P.E we have been honing our throwing and catching skills in our warm ups. We are developing balancing skills, working on the floor and progressing onto low apparatus such as benches.
Week beginning 3rd February 2020 Learning about different artistic techniques
Year 3 have been learning about Henri Rousseau and comparing his work to Aboriginal artwork. We have applied our painting skills to creating background washes with watercolours in the style of Henri Rousseau and we have used cotton buds dipped in paint to create Aboriginal style patterns. We used laptops to conduct a safe online search for images of our favourite animals. We learnt how to copy them into a PowerPoint document, save it and then print it out. In our final outcome we will be combining all of these skills to create fantastic collages.
Year 3 Spring Term Project - Project 1
Wednesday 29th January 2020
Making and explaining a simple pulley
We have been looking at how a simple pulley works. We asked questions and investigated how to make a simple pulley. We practised making a pulley and lifting objects with it.