West Croft School Safeguarding Statement
West Croft School is committed to upholding its' statutory safeguarding duty as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (DFE Sep 2018) and works closely with partner agencies including Health, Social Services and the police.
All schools have a duty to act:
'Where a child is suffering harm. or is likely to do so, action should be taken to protect that child. Action should also be taken to promote the welfare of a child in need of additional support, even ifthey are not suffering harm or are at immediate risk. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the interests of the child.'
All staff at West Croft School are trained and expected to fulfil this professional responsibility.
We believe that:
- children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect
- safeguarding children is everyone's responsibilty
- it is better to help children as early as possible, before issues escalate and become more damaging
- children and families are best supported and protected when there is a coordinated response from all the relevant agencies
End of day collections
Collection arrangements for clubs and trips that finish after the end of the school day will be requested on an individual basis.
For further information on our approach to safeguarding and related statutory documents, please see our Safeguarding publications.