Welcome to Reception
In the clouds
Friday 13th March 2020 - Sport relief
We have enjoyed taking part in sports relief today. We have enjoyed being part of a team and wearing our team colours. We loved all the different activities and obstacle courses and had the most amazing afternoon!
Sport Relief
Thursday 5th March 2020 - World Book Day
We had the best day during world book day. It was lovely to see so many wonderful costumes. We started with a parade in the hall to show our costumes off! We then had a lovely time sharing stories with the year 3 children. We spent the day sharing stories and talking about our favourite book characters. We already can't wait for next year!
World Book day fun!
Tuesday 3rd March 2020 - Planting Magic Jelly Beans
We have been reading Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk. We have enjoyed thinking about what we would like our Jelly beanstalk to grow into! Some of our ideas included unicorns, trains, bubble-gum, lollypop trees, infinity money and chocolate dinosaurs! Fingers crossed!!!
What will our Jelly Beans grow into?
Friday 28th February 2020 - Forest School
Today we had lots of fun playing parachute games in the hall. We then played a game of 'tug of war'. Both the boys and girls each won a game!
We then ventured outside in the forest for a very muddy, but very fun walk. We loved getting some fresh air and feeling the squelchy mud on our wellies.
Parachute games and a welly walk
Wednesday 27th February 2020 - Designing 3D castles for the Giant
We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes this week. We had fun building a shape castle for the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.
3D shape castles
Tuesday 25th February 2020 - Pancake day
We learnt about the meaning of pancake day. We enjoyed designing our own toppings that we wanted to try. We had a go at flipping pancakes and tasting them too. Our favourite part of the day was having pancake races... especially when Mr Page joined us!
Pancake fun!
Problem Solvers
Week beginning - 10th February 2020 - The Fed Up Cow.
This week we had a visit from The Big Sheep farmer and his friend. We were so excited to meet Bear and we really enjoyed playing with him and finding out all about his job at the Big Sheep.
The Big Sheep Visit
Thursday 13th February 2020 - Longer or Shorter?
We explored length by ordering objects from shortest to longest. We collected objects from around the classroom and compared them before putting them in order. We enjoyed sharing what we did with our friends.
Ordering length
Friday 7th February 2020 - When I grow up!
We have been reading the book when I grow up by Jon Hales. We have been discussing what we would like to be. We were really inspired by our parent visitors and would like to say a huge thank you to Billy's Dad and Eva's Mum. We really appreciated you giving up your time.
Parent Visitors!
Week beginning 27th January 2020 - Flower addition
We have been exploring the number 14 this week. The children have been adding numbers to make 14. We used flowers to support our learning!
Flower addition!
Week beginning: 20th January 2020 - Chinese New Year Celebrations
we enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year. We made dragon pictures and performed some Chinese dragon dancing, we even produced our own Chinese music to dance to!
We really enjoyed reading the story of the Chinese Zodiac and explored ordinal numbers in our maths learning. We went outside and did some races!