Year 2
Summer Term 2 - Evacuation right or wrong?
Frida Khalo inspired art. After looking at the inspiring art of the Famous Frida Khalo, children created their own art piece based on her work.
We are educators! Following our dive in to inspiring poeple, Year 2 shared their knowledge with Year 1.
Equality - Are we there yet?

Cultural ambassadors
This term, we have been studying Africa and its rich culture.
We protested against plastic pollution in our oceans to spread awareness around our school.

Plymouth aquarium
We visited the aquarium to look at why the oceans are important and to see what we need to protect.

Our blue planet
We have been learning all about our planet and how we can save it.
This term we are learning all about flight.
Our project is called How far can we fly?
We are engineers! Wonderstruck Show
For our learning celebration this half term, we had an amazing show by Wonderstruck. The show involved lots of fire, smoke and even a rocket car! We then had the opportunity to become engineers and make our own rockets which we then launched into the sky! What a brilliant day Year 2!
In Forest school, the children have been enjoying the autumnal weather and all that it brings!
In maths, we have been working with fractions and focusing on a half, quarter and a third of amounts. Here, we are having different amounts using counters to represnt the number.
In project, we located Paris and Chicago on a world map. This was in order to learn about the life of our significant person - Bessie Coleman - who was the first African-American woman to obtain a pilots license.
Our new English text is a Non-fiction book all about a local area. So we have been studying maps of Bideford this week and locating all the places of interest.
This term we are learning all about Bideford.
This week in English we found Little Red Riding Hood’s diary! She left it in our room but all the pages fell out and we had to help her put them back into chronological order.
We had great fun using clues from the diary to sequence the entries.
For art this week we started to make our own Collagraph prints. We took landscapes of Bideford and layered different textures and materials on top. We will use this to print our pictures.
Project Celebration
We have come to the end of our Project this week. We celebrated by becoming historians and showing off all the learning we have achieved this half term.
Learning this week
Excellent English
We have had some amazing writing in English week. We have been planning and writing our own version of Little Red Riding Hood. Some children have used Colourful Semantics to help them and they have produced excellent work!

Super Science Sorting.
This week in Science we have been learning all about natural and man-made materials. We sorted lots of different materials and had great fun investigating them. We learnt that natural materials are taken to factories and changed into man-made materials. We also learnt that paper is made from trees!
Design and Technology
This week we have made our very own Bridges! We studies the structure of lots of different bridges and then planned our own. We then used different materials to construct our bridges.
It was great to see our plans come to life!
Our learning this week:
We had Forest School indoors because of the weather! That did not stop us learning about the Stone Ages and how they foraged for food. We tried slow berries and apples and replicated Stone Age paintings!
In English this week we have started our new text - Little Red Riding Hood. This week we have been sequencing the events in the story and coming up with actions for each part of the book.
In Maths we have been learning how to partition numbers using the part-whole model.
For our Hook Day we went to the Burton Art Gallery and learnt all about the history of Bideford, we also got to see some of the original wood from the bridge which is displayed in the gallery!
We were also very lucky to have a local historian come into class and show us lots of old photos of Bideford, we became interviewers and were able to ask him lots of questions!