West Croft School

01237 473548


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Reception Phonics Overview

Children are taught a new sound each day (4 sounds) and then have time to consolidate the weeks learning. The programme is fast paced and engaging to ensure all children make rapid progress. Children are swiftly identified when needing extra interventions

Year 1 phonics overview

Year 1 continue on through the programme re-capping phase 3 and 4 and continuing onto phase 5. Children continue to read books matched to their phonics ability and children are identified for intervention to ensure rapid progress is made. 

The Year 1 Phonics Screening

Children in Year 1 are required to take part in a National Phonics Screening. Children will read 40 words using their phonics knowledge. These words are made up of a combination of all the sounds they have learnt since Reception and can be a real word or an Alien (made up) word. Children have lots of experiences of Alien words throughout the phonics programme. 


For more information please see the Phonics Screening website.


