West Croft School

01237 473548


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Breakfast and After School Club

West Croft School - Breakfast and After School Club


West Croft School Breakfast and After School Club provides high quality out of school hours childcare, run by school staff for families that attend our school in Year Reception to Year Six.  The club runs term time only and is closed on Bank Holidays and Non pupil days.


The clubs will be run from the Upper School hall which can be accessed via the pedestrian gate in the mornings and via the driveway and around the right of the building at the end of the day for pick up.

If you wish to contact the club during school hours please call on the main school number - 01237 473548 and out of hours, please use the dedicated mobile number - 07419 210 584.  You can also email the club - wrap@westcroft.devon.sch.uk



To access this club, a registration form must be completed in advance and sessions must be booked and paid in full, by the Thursday night of the previous week.   Please book via ParentPay.  If payment is not received, the booking will be rejected by the system and your child will not be able to attend.  The booking form can be downloaded from the website or a printed copy can be collected from the school office.



Breakfast Club - drop off from 7:30am - £6.50 per child (breakfast included)

After School Club - pick up at 5pm - £7.00 per child (snack included)

After School Club - pick up at 6pm - £10.00 per child (snack included)



Children must be collected promptly at the end of their booked session.  For safeguarding purposes, two members of staff must remain on site until all children have been collected and the additional cost of staff overtime will be passed on.  There will be a charge of £5.00 per child for every 15 minutes.

Please phone 07419 210 584 as soon as you are aware that you may be late collecting your child.

Persistent late collection will result in your child's place being withdrawn.



Please notify the school as soon as possible if your child is not going to be attending their booked session.


Cancellation Policy

If your child is unable to attend the sessions, please cancel online as soon as you are aware.  If this is not possible, please contact the school office who will be able to process this manually for you.  If your session is not cancelled, or is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, you will still be charged (unless your child is off school sick). 


For further information, please read the Wrap Around Care Policy
