West Croft School

01237 473548


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Year 6

This term we are learning...

Our Plymouth Harbour trip where we experienced a one hour naval and harbour cruise, found Smeaton’s Tower and Sir Francis Drake’s memorial.

We are learning about the Battle of Bosworth and created our own strategic battle plan.

Last term we were learning...

Safari, Savanna, Starvation... Is this all there is to Africa?

Year 6 have worked incredibly hard over the last 7 weeks learning about Africa in project. For our end of unit celebration the children created their own business. They had to pick a country we have been learning about, create a dish based on the food that is grown there, budgeted, organised and planned well in order to sell their products. 

Safari, Savanna, and starvation... Is this all there is to Africa?

The children baked a South African dish called mealie bread. They had to use their knowledge of scales to help them weight out all of the ingredients. 

As part of our African project, the children visited our local Asda on the hunt for food from Africa and fair trade items.

Glow up hook day for our project ‘What’s in your wardrobe and why?’
