West Croft School

01237 473548


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Welcome to Little Crofters Nursery

Click on the following link to find out all about our Nursery: https://www.westcroft.devon.sch.uk/about-little-crofters-nursery/


Moving On

Click on the following link to find out all about the Reception classes: https://www.westcroft.devon.sch.uk/reception/




Little Crofters Nursery

Spring 2 Little Crofters Nursery Medium Term Plan

Forest School at Little Crofters!

At Little Crofters we have been lucky to start our own Forest School sessions this half term with Miss Smallman and Miss Northcott. The children that have been able to take part so far have thoroughly enjoyed their time in the woods exploring and playing games. Amazing, Little Crofters!

Sport Relief 2020

We had such a fun and busy time at Little Crofters this week and we all particularly enjoyed the 'fitness fun' on Friday for Sport Relief. Thank you to all parents and carers for your donations to such a worthwhile cause!

This week we explored colour mixing and learnt the importance of brushing our teeth and keeping fit and healthy!

Fantastic effort Little Crofters!


Spring 2 Week 3

This week at Little Crofters we will be continuing our Alien theme and exploring the rhyme and rhythm in our story, 'The Smeds and The Smoos'

recommended by one of our Nursery children! 

We will also be thinking about our own health and self-care by talking about the importance of hand washing, brushing our teeth daily and enjoying Sport Relief by taking part in lots of fun, exercise activities!

Don't forget to try our Home Learning Challenge! 


Spring 2 - Home Learning (3)

'The Smoos and The Smeds' - Communication and Language Vocabulary Triangle

World Book Day 2020

This week we have read the story 'But Martin!' by June Counsel. Look at the amazing Aliens we made in our key groups. Well done Little Crofters!

Spring 2 Newsletter and Home Learning (2)

Welcome back Little Crofters! We have had a fantastic first week back at Nursery with the introduction of a new 'cutting station' in the Art room, a chance to explore healthy and unhealthy food in our key groups and the exciting arrival of our very own Nursery aliens, Dan and Tilly! We can't wait to see what fun and learning we will all enjoy this half term at Little Crofters Nursery! smiley

W/b 24/02/2020 Spring 2 Week 1

Spring 2: Little Crofters Learning

Space - Communication and Language Vocabulary Triangle

"Children see magic because they look for it..."

The Day the Fire Engine came to Nursery...

Little Crofters Nursery would like to say a big 'Thank-you' to Mr Ford and his colleague from the Fire Station who kindly brought the Fire Engine to Nursery. This was a fantastic way to support our Transport topic and gave our children such a wonderful opportunity to see such an important and impressive vehicle in action. The children were fascinated and had so much to talk about, question and re-enact following the visit. Thank you!

Little Crofters Nursery Learning and Play - Transport

Transport: Week Beginning 03/02/2020 


We have had a fantastic week exploring different modes of Transport. It was great to build on the children's interests following our Chinese New Year raft race challenges. We found so many different ways of designing and creating our own methods of Transport, including making boats, trains, aeroplanes and even a double decker bus! Great Work Little Crofters! 


Chinese New Year: 27/02/2020 - 31/02/2020

 This week we celebrated Chinese New Year and learnt about this tradition by listening to the Zodiac Story, designing our own dragons, decorating the Nursery and mark making to create our own Chinese symbols. 

Happy Chinese New Year!



Nursery Spring Term Medium Term Plan

Nursery Learning

Colourful Creations Creating loose part flowers.
