West Croft School

01237 473548


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Demystifying SEND

“Whether you are new to SEND or already on your journey. This session is aimed at parent/carers supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who would like to find out more about how SEND support should work.


The sessions are aimed at parents starting their journey or part way through. Helping parents to understand how they can access information and which services may be available for them, highlighting the graduated response and the terminology around send in schools.( Universal, targeted , specialist services terminology, working with school in a plan do review type approach).


The sessions aim to signpost to information and service websites that are already out there and linked to the Devon Local offer webpage.


To book sessions:



1. The kinds of special educational needs do we provide for at West Croft School?


West Croft School is a mainstream primary school with a nursery, educating 536 children from 2-11 years (September 2022).

At West Croft we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure that all pupils regardless of race, creed, gender, ability or disability make the best possible progress.  We utilise a framework which enables us to analyse and adapt our arrangements to provide effectively for all of our students.  This is linked with the School Improvement Plan by monitoring and evaluating the needs of groups and individuals and ensuring that progress for children with SEND is good or better.

We make provision for pupils with a broad range of needs from all four areas of the Code of practice (2014).

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy details that some pupils may need some support within the classroom and within the adapted curriculum and pupils with SEND will require enhanced provision to meet their individual needs.


2. How do we identify Special Educational Needs?


At West Croft School we continually monitor children’s progress. Progress is monitored through a range of assessment methods including daily monitoring and assessment of learning, weekly discussions and review of learning sequences and half termly/termly formal assessment methods.

When it has been assessed that a child is not making expected progress teachers will ensure the curriculum or provision is adapted as part of inclusive teaching with the aim of supporting the child to narrow the gap. If there is insufficient progress, the teacher will ensure extra support and intervention is initiated within the classroom setting. This support is implemented in discussion with Phase Leaders, the Deputy Head or Head Teacher and the SENDCo and will be a focus point of Pupil Progress Meetings.

For some children, limited progress continues and this may mean they have a Special Educational Need. We will use school-based assessments to gain an understanding of the underlying barriers to learning and in some cases (and in partnership with parents), we will request assessment and support of external professionals to identify barriers to learning and plan provision/support.

Special Educational Needs are identified through a range of:

  • School based assessments (Dyslexia Screener, Boxall Profile, Speech Link, Language Link, Star Reader, Nessy assessments, Devon Graduated Response Tool), end of term age related tests
  • Speaking with parents
  • Assessment by external professionals
  • Feedback from teaching staff
  • Ongoing teacher assessment
  • Liaising with previous settings
  • Pupil voice and views


Children who begin to narrow the gap with provision and support in place may no longer be considered to have a Special Educational Need and removed from the register. This will be done in consultation with parents and the class teacher.


3. How do we plan and support learning for pupils identified with SEND?


High quality inclusive teaching is an essential part of supporting all children learn, including those who are working below age related expectation or have need identified with SEND. Teachers adapt lessons and provide adapted scaffold to meet children’s individual needs. Teachers use specific strategies to support individual needs and this is often planned in discussion with the SENDCo.

Progress is carefully monitored and specific needs are discussed in pupil progress meetings when intervention or adaptions to provision are planned to help children make good or better progress. This intervention may take place in small groups or 1:1 with an adult. Additionally, teachers assess additional needs and plan for identified children using My Plans which are discussed with and monitored by the SENDCo.


4. How will the curriculum and learning environment be adapted for my child?


Using assessment for learning, class teachers will adapt the curriculum to meet individual children’s needs. The curriculum may be adapted in a variety of ways:

  • Adaption of outcome
  • Adaption of scaffold, including resources and opportunities for concrete learning experiences
  • Whole class inclusive teaching
  • Small groupings
  • 1:1 support
  • Responding to advice from other professionals
  • Visual prompts, symbols and words
  • Use of adaptive technology
  • There is use of a sensory room for children requiring sensory regulation


5. How will the school enable children with SEND to receive additional support?


At West Croft we strive to ensure we provide a fully inclusive curriculum through skilful adaption of lessons and teaching. However, there is often further support for pupils with identified SEND. The pupils are identified by the class teacher and SENDCo. The Senior Leadership Team regularly review needs across the school. This allows them to identify specific areas of support and implement appropriate provision.

Provision is provided based on assessment of individual needs and will be different for every child.

Some examples of additional provision include:

  • SaLT practitioner working with individual children and small groups of children on programmes of support.
  • 2 behaviour specialists to support children who find school challenging and to provide learning mentor support.
  • 2 bereavement trained Teaching Assistants
  • Collaborative working with external professionals
  • Trained Autism practitioner
  • 2 sensory rooms to provide sensory regulation for children
  • Lunch time provision during unstructured times
  • Providing assistive technology to access learning
  • Specific resources to overcome barriers to learning (ear defenders, writing slopes, coloured overlays)


6. How will the school involve me in my child’s education?


We have an open door policy whereby class teachers are available to speak with parents and carers before and after school. They will also communicate with parents over the telephone and class dojo. In addition to informal conversations with parents, we hold formal parents’ evenings in the Autumn and Summer term.

If you child has been identified with SEND, teachers will share additional or different provision with you on the children’s My Plans which are reviewed termly. Parent pupil views will form part of each review and these will be recorded in the meetings. Other school based plans will also be shared with parents, these include Relational Support Plans and Behaviour Care Plans.  For children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan, there will be a formal annual review involving parents and external professional where appropriate.

Our inclusion team hold regular meetings with parents of children with additional needs and are able to be contacted by telephone or in person by any parent who wishes to raise a concern or ask about the provision their child receives. Any copies of assessments or reviews can be made available at parental request.

Additionally, our inclusion team may hold meeting with parents to discuss their child’s additional needs. There are times this may involve other professionals from agencies who would meet with parents, families and schools. In these cases, there will often be a multi-agency approach through Team Around The Family (TAF) meetings. Our inclusion team also hold workshops for parents where parents are invited into school to learn more about different aspect of learning and support (including behaviour and sensory processing).


7. How do we consult pupils with SEN and involve them in their education?


Pupil voice is captured as part of My Plan reviews and target setting. On a whole school level, there is a school council who contribute ideas as part of pupil voice.


8. How do we assess pupil progress towards outcomes?


At West Croft, our teachers use a variety of assessment methods which combine to provide a clear understanding of each pupil’s attainment and learning. Teachers use ongoing formative assessment to inform planning on a daily basis and adapt the curriculum as necessary. Children are encouraged to reflect on their own learning and consider their next steps or how they may approach learning differently.


My Plans, Relational Support Plans and Behaviour support Plans are reviewed on a termly basis and there is an annual report sent to parents. Parents and children are invited to contribute towards My Plan reviews.


9. How do we support pupils with SEND to improve their social and emotional development.


At West Croft we believe that children’s social and emotional development and wellbeing is paramount. All pupils have access to weekly PSHE lessons with their class teacher. Pupils who need additional support or nurture are able to access additional provision from our school Behaviour Support Specialists/Learning Mentors with 1:1 or in a small group capacity. Additionally, they are able to attend structured lunch clubs where social and emotional development is a key priority. We have school assessment systems whereby we are able to identify gaps in children’s social and emotional development to plan provision to meet their needs in class as well as intervention.  We also work with a variety of other professionals such as SEMH advisory teachers, the Communication and Interactions team to support children with a high level of need. In EYFS, we also work with partners from Nursery Plus to support children in the early stages of their Social and Emotional development.


10. What expertise and training do our staff have to support pupils with SEND?


We have a highly skilled team with a variety of training and experience to support a broad range of SEND. Our SENDCo holds the National Qualification for Special Educational Needs Coordination. In addition, we have staff trained in:

  • Supporting children with complex SEMH needs
  • Supporting pupils with Autism
  • Bereavement training
  • Boxall training
  • Speech and Language training
  • Emotional Logic
  • Dyslexia training
  • Neli Language programme
  • Nessy intervention
  • Working memory intervention
  • Fun fit intervention
  • Comic strip conversations


11. What external professionals do we work with?


We work with a wider variety of external professionals to help assess need and plan appropriate support:


  • Communication and Interaction Team
  • SEMH Team
  • Educational Psychologists
  • School Nursing
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physio Therapists
  • Community Nursing
  • Bladder and Bowel Team
  • Nursery Plus
  • Complex Needs Team
  • Inclusion Team
  • Under 5s Team
  • CYPS
  • Early Help
  • Children’s Centre
  • Family Intervention Team


12. Who can I contact if I have concerns about my child’s SEN?


Parents can speak to their child’s class teacher in the first instance. Following this, they can make contact with the phase leads for their child’s year group. Following this, they can make contact with the inclusion team or SENDCo.


13. What support services are available?



The school leads and works with Early Help to support families. There are specific services available to help with understanding of matters specific to SEND, such as DIAS (Devon Information Advice and Support service for SEND).

Devon Local Offer is an information service to signpost parents to the support on offer in Devon. You can find the Devon Local Offer here: www.devon.gov.uk/send
